Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Extended Data Type Properties

Created at 2015-01-05 Updated at 2018-05-01 Category Microsoft Dynamics AX Tag Microsoft Dynamics AX

PropertyDescriptionNew in this version of

Microsoft Dynamics AX
Alignment(对齐)Changes the alignment of the text (Left, Right, Center).
AnalysisDefaultTotal为度量决定聚合函数. 当 AnalysisUsage 设为 Measure(测量) 时,可以使用该属性. 你可以指定以下值之一.

Sum – Returns the sum of all the values in a set. Count – Returns the number of non-null items in a set.
CountDistinct – Returns the number of distinct non-null items in a set. Min – Returns the minimum value in a set.
Max – Returns the maximum value in a set. None – No aggregate function is applied.
Auto – 可应用于派生的EDTs. 将使用父EDT的 AnalysisUsage 属性的值.

聚合函数可以在字段级别被重写.也就是说, 你可以使用 AnalysisDefaultTotal 属性改变要聚合的字段.
AnalysisGroupingSpecifies whether a field that has this EDT is grouped by default when the field is added to a report using the Report Builder for Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.The property is automatically set to Discouraged for currency amounts. For other fields that are unique, you should set the property toDiscouraged . For more information about report models, see “Generate and publish report models” in the Help menu for System and Application Setup .
AnalysisUsageIdentifies the role of the EDT in a cube. This setting is automatically propagated to all table fields that reference the EDT. However, the setting can be overridden on the table field. Specify one of the following values. Attribute – A field that references the EDT is a dimension attribute.
Measure – A field that references the EDT is a measure. Both – A field that references the EDT is both a dimension attribute and a measure.
None – A field that references the EDT is not a dimension attribute and not a measure. Auto – Applies to derived EDTs. The value of the AnalysisUsage property for the parent EDT is to be used.

EDTs that are based on enumerations cannot be measures.

ArrayLength(数组长度只读属性.默认 ArrayLength 是 1. 要添加数组元素到EDT,右键单击 Array Element 节点,选择 New Array Element . ArrayLength 属性的值会据此增加.
ButtonImage当EDT用作窗体上的查找按钮时,指定它要显示的图像.The possible values are as follows:

Arrow (default) Mail (possible use: the e-mail type)
URL (possible use: the URL type) ThreeDots (…)
OpenFile (possible uses: the FilenameOpen and FilenameSave types) Calendar (possible use: date types)
CollectionLabelSpecifies the label that is used to display the plural name of a field that has this EDT.
ConfigurationKeySpecifies the configuration key for the EDT.
CountryRegionCodesSpecifies the country region codes where the menu is applicable or valid. The client uses this property to enable or disable country or region specific features. This is implemented as a comma-separated list of ISO country codes in a single string. The values must match data that is contained in the global address book.AX 2012
DisplayLengthSpecify a maximum number of characters to be displayed in a form or report.
EnumTypeSpecifies an enumerated data type. If an EDT is of type enum, it is mandatory to set the EnumType property.
ExtendsEnables you to base the EDT on another EDT.
FormHelpSpecifies a form that will be used when you perform lookup from a field in a form.
HelpTextCreates a Help string for the EDT. The Help string is displayed when the type is used in a form.
IDRead-only property.
LabelSpecifies a label for the type that is shown when the type is used in a form or report.
ModelSpecifies which model the table is in.A model is a logical grouping of elements in a layer. An element can exist in exactly one model in a layer. Examples of elements are a table or class. The same element can exist in a customized version in a model in a higher layer.AX 2012
NameSpecifies the name of the type.The name is used when it refers to the type from X++.
PresenceClassIdentifies the X++ class that will be used with the PresenceMethod to return a PresenceInfo object instance.AX 2012
PresenceIndicatorAllowedSpecifies whether the control referencing the EDT will use presence. Default value is Yes .AX 2012
PresenceMethodIdentifies the X++ static class method in PresenceClass to be called with a controls data value; this returns a PresenceInfo object instance that contains the data needed by the Presence indicator.AX 2012
ReferenceTableIdentifies the table that is referenced by this EDT, and which has the primary key.Indicates the primary key table which this EDT references.AX 2012
StyleChanges the default display of the EDT. Options Are:

Auto Combo box
* Radio button
AX 2012

For rules and hints about how to set these properties, see Best Practice for extended data types .

Leave these properties set to Auto unless specified otherwise in the following table.

PropertyExists for these types:Description
AdjustmentStringFor fixed length strings, this specifies whether the entered characters will be stored on the left or the right side of the padding spaces.Values are Left or Right. The default value is Left .
AllowNegativeIntegerInt64RealSpecifies whether the field can accept negative values.
AutoInsSeparatorRealSpecifies whether the system inserts a decimal separator automatically. For example, if you enter 2222, the system automatically shows 2222.00.
ChangeCaseStringSpecifies how text entered in a string control should be formatted. This property is not supported for Enterprise Portal.For example, the text can be formatted as uppercase, or with title capitalization.
DateDayDateUtcDateTimeSpecifies how the day should be displayed.
DateFormatDateUtcDateTimeSpecifies the layout of a date.
DateMonthDateUtcDateTimeSpecifies how the month should be displayed.
DateSeparatorDateUtcDateTimeSpecifies the separators between year, month, and day.
DateYearDateUtcDateTimeSpecifies how the year should be displayed.
DecimalSeparatorRealSpecifies the decimal separator. The default (Auto) setting is whatever is specified in the system setup.
DisplaceNegativeIntegerInt64RealSpecifies if negative numbers should be indented to the left.
DisplayHeightStringSpecifies the number of lines to be displayed simultaneously when the EDT is displayed in a form.
EnumTypeEnumSpecifies the base enum used to create the EDT.
FormatMSTRealSpecifies how to format master currency values.The following list contains the possible values for this property:

Yes No

The default value is Auto .

NoOfDecimalsRealDetermines the number of decimals when a value displays on a form or a report.
RotateSignIntegerInt64RealChoose this to negate the number, that is, change – to + and + to -.
ShowZeroIntegerInt64RealSpecifies whether the value zero should be shown as an empty field.If the value zero in fields of this kind means null/nothing, ShowZero set to No .
SignDisplayIntegerInt64RealSpecifies whether the sign of a number should be displayed, if it is a negative number, and also whether the sign should be before or after the number.Normally set to Auto . Can be set to None if they are used with DisplaceNegative .
StringSizeStringSpecifies the maximum size of the string.
ThousandSeparatorRealSpecifies the thousand separator.
TimeFormatTimeUtcDateTimeSpecifies how times should be formatted.
TimeHoursTimeUtcDateTimeSpecifies whether hours should be included.
TimeMinuteTimeUtcDateTimeSpecifies whether minutes should be included.
TimeSecondsTimeUtcDateTimeSpecifies whether seconds should be included.
TimeSeparatorTimeUtcDateTimeSpecifies the separator that must be used when displaying times.
TimezonePreferenceUtcDateTimeSpecifies the time zone that the value should be converted to from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).For more information, see Form Control Properties .

Site by Reinhard Hsu using Hexo & Random
